Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Got tagged by Anucia

Only barely 4 weeks into blogging and dear Anucia already tagged me. And up till 15 minutes ago, I hadn't the faintest idea what tagging meant. Oklah I admit I'm still new to blogging but lets see if I get this right: I now have to tell 6 weird things about myself and tag 6 others right? Shouldn't there be a third 6 to make it a merry "666"? Guess not.

Ok since u asked for it,

1. I cook (but guaranteed nobody will eat)

2. Nothing I plant ever survives.

3. I can feel presences and sometimes see them.

4. I dream of living in an igloo in the antarctic.

5. I once wore the same pair of jeans every day for 3 months without washing it

6. I've won burping contests a few times

Now to tag 6 others. Can I wait till I get to know 6 others cause I don't personally know any blogger yet. Not even one. Pathetic eh :D


Anucia said...

You did it right! My first too...ehehhe...

number three is shit scary okay, not weird! As much as i want to know more, i dont...

Bryan said...

Whoa that was quick. Hey we got the same theme on our blogs!

Anonymous said...

You can know me :)

Anonymous said...

U serious about no3?
if would b interesting to exchange notes...jus to tell myself I am not alone in this

Bryan said...

Hi BB, yup I've gotten used to it and they don't bother me at all. I find real people more interesting :D