Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What type of friend are you?

Do you fall into any of these categories? Be honest now.

1. The Promise Breaker. You make promises to go for mamak or a movie and 9 times out of 10 never show up.

2. The Double Crosser. You have a habit of saying nasty things about your friend to other people until they stop talking to your friend. I think this one is for ladies only.

3. The Self Absorbed. You can't stop talking about yourself. You view your friends as a sounding board and find no worthwhile reason to listen to them except to impatiently wait until they stop talking so you can start talking about you.

4. The Discloser. The "this is just between us" promise lasts only until you reach the phone or email. I think this is another one for ladies only.

5. The Competitor. You like to show off your abilities, toys and bling-blings because you think they'll put you ahead of your friend in the race. A win-lose friendship that afflicts many men.

6. The Fault Finder. You find fault in everything your friend says and does.

7. The Ego Tripper. You want your friends to agree with everything you say and shut out those who don't and you want them to rally you to popularity.

The first 6 are from Dr Jan Yager's 6 Types of Toxic Friends and How You Can Deal with Them. The 7th is mine.

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