Three according to this picture. One to insert the card, one to key in the PIN, and one to say "Hey what the ^%$! you guys aren't doing it right."
It would've been funnny if there wasn't 5 people in line waiting and fidgeting as these three tried to crack the DaVinci code of ATMs. But honestly why is it that in this day and age, its so common to see people still struggling to use a simple piece of technology? Or is it just in Malaysia?
To complete the story of the photo, after trying all manner of ways these three couldn't figure out how it worked and left.
My turn was next. I was in and out with da cash within 30 seconds.
They turned around and couldn't believe their eyes.
maybe they are from china and didn't understand the instructions in mandrin :P
Actually many China cities have far better technology than Malaysia :)
Or perhaps the ATM technology here is so crude they were having trouble since they were more used to better technology? :P
Hi Kay, crude? Oops you saw the lady sitting in the box behind the ATM counting the money b4 pusing it out the hole. Hahahaha....
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