Culinary arts
Fashion designer
Interior designer
Fine arts
Hair stylist
Modeling (some men are more beautiful than women :D)
Aren't all these dominated by men?
But I must be fair and say that men also top other categories like serial killer.
Women are the same aren't they. They too want to define 'male' jobs and 'female' jobs. A breadwinner must be a male job even if its the woman who earns more than the man.
Gender-stereotyping at work is so last-generation. Women are getting into macho jobs like security guards despite saying that providing security is a man's job. And men have not moved out of restaurant kitchens despite saying that cooking is a woman's job.
Even underwear doesn't escape this state of affairs. A generation ago who would foresee bikinis for men and boxers for women. There's man-bags now which is a more feminine version of the 'uncle-bag', that rectangular palm-sized leather bag than old uncles love to use. I hear we'll be seeing man-bras next for people with man-boobs like Simon of American Idol. And women can now pee standing up just like their male counterparts, thanks to some new inventions.
But I bet some forms of gender seterotyping will never go away.
Sometimes we expect to see this:

and then we see this:

ha ha.. secretly taking photo in the LRT. Care to share your skills? He he he.
Use a phone camera, pretend to hold it up to peek at the screen while u shoot. And siwtch off the shutter release sound. Simple!
I would turn off the sound, pretend like I'm typing an sms and put it right in front of my mouth like I was thinking and roll my eyes up to make it more real and make a sound like "hmmm.." and snap away and continue 'sms'ing'... so now they know..
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