No that's not the official movie poster but it should have been.
I saw the movie last night. Its a rempit movie on steroids complete with traffic-snarling road stunts. I'm predicting we'll soon see a horde of local Johnny Blazes (Nicholas Cage) wannabes, possibly entire rempit gangs built on his persona. After all the important ingredients are there. Bikes, chicks, supportive onlookers, glamour, idiotic police, baddies cutting into your turf, even a mission to save the day.
I tell ya, the movie is a Met Rempit dream come true, the story probably written by a Mat Rempit because the plot is a simple one. Someone makes a deal with the devil to save his father from cancer. He pays for it by doing the devil's bidding and that is to kick other devils' asses in a hellish struggle for power. But the hero has a good heart and after paying his dues to the devil, vows to use his dark superpowers to fight crime.
A very important tool of Johny Blaze's trade is of course that all-important icon of coolness, a heavily-chromed easy rider motorcycle given by the Evil One on which he chases the bad guys. Hmm... sending devils on motorbikes to catch criminals. Now where have I heard that before....
I found the movie funny although I know its not meant to be a comedy. It tries too hard to highlight the Jekyll-and-Hyde life of Blaze - a Karen Carpenters-loving innocent guy one moment, a leather-and-chains creature from hell the next, complete with a burning skull for a head.
The CG (computer graphics) was sloppy and looked a bit game-like, especially when it closes up on the burning skull. I've seen better CG than that. The action sequences were predictable but okay. Storyline's a bit flat but what can you expect from a Rempit.
I give Ghost Rider a 2.5 out of 5.
I'm not gonna even bother watching this. :-) Looking forward to 300 in a couple of weeks' time...
Yeah, good choice mate!
i beg to differ. i think it is worth a watch.
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