Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Amazing Race Lessons: Are Asians Cheaper?

I've been pondering about the race economics.

Winners of The Amazing Race get US 1 million.

Winners of The Amazing Race Asia get US 100,000.

Both races are are equally punishing.

I assume both series are broadcast to the world audience. Ok lets say I'm wrong and TARA is broadcast only in Asia. The number of people living within AXN Asia's broadcast range (hence viewership hence ad dollars) is at least equivalent to the US audience size wouldn't you say?

And the chief sponsors of the show aren't to be sniffed at either. Sony's still a leading global brand last time I checked although I'm not so sure about the other sponsors like that Lagoon Resort thingy.

So does anybody know why TARA's prize money is pegged at one-tenth the value in the US?

Would the Americans come to the party if the prize money was only US 100,000?

If they don't, then what does that say about Asians?

Come to think of it, if we're asked to pay to get into such a race, would we?

Just thinking out loud.


Anonymous said...

If the outcome weighs more than the amount paid, I'm sure people would be interested. Many of us sometimes just need an excuse to get out of the office to do something exciting.

Under the assumption that both series do get broadcast to the world. You've got to agree that the Amazing Race will receive more airtime in the States. Definitely more than Amazing Race Asia.

TV ratings are a tricky thing. I'm sure budgets are different too esp since TARA probably has the lower budget to begin with.

Just my 2 cents.

Bryan said...

You may be right. My theory about prize money is that it all depends on the sponsors. If they can get Sony, Vodaphone, Heineken and Mercedez Benz to sponsor the entire season, they'll get their million follar prize. These companies however look at show ratings before deciding. I've a feeling we may see bigger name-brand sponsorships in TARA 2 although the million dollars may not actually appear until season 4 or 5.

Anonymous said...

I think if should research by checking the sponsor credits.

Check the participate body instead of big name. Hotel, local tourism body, etc can help cut the production cost. For European and US, involved body(Hotels, agencies, local government,etc) always have "opportunity advertisement" budget ready compare to Asian. And this can easily contribute to the prize money pool.

Bryan said...

Hi Moo, yes the art of commercialization is a lot more matured in the west and they are prepared to spend a lot more than Asians on advertising. Prize money is a function of this I guess.